Monday, March 10, 2014

Almost There...

I'm writing this from Phoenix as I flew back last week to finish up taxes and car maintenance/insurance/registration (ugh!).  It was quite a culture shock and I almost cried tears of joy in Trader Joes as I stared mesmerized at the rows of cheese (cheese in Mexico has a lot to be desired).  And driving my car with air conditioning after all the hot and sticky and crowded bus rides makes me fully appreciate my car.


Tomorrow I am back in Mexico and we plan on leaving for the really big sail later this week after checking out of Mexico.  Puddle Jumpers are now leaving daily.  It is hard to believe that Dave and I have now been in Mexico over four months as the time has flown! We are both though ready to move on and discover the South Pacific and all the new adventures and experiences awaiting us.  Stay tuned…


Sue M said...

Fair winds and following seas to you!!! We are going to MISS you, and will be tracking your progress. All the best until we meet again.
Sue and Marty
s/v Happy Dance

Sue M said...
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